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Single Admission - Where Jesus Walked

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$10.00 (40%)

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"Where Jesus Walked", is an immersive show in Branson, Missouri that features the modern-day locations where Jesus walked during his 100-mile journey. The show is produced by XPR Media and uses a series of powerful photos to provide insight into Jesus' life and times. The show is a virtual visit to the Holy Land that highlights Jesus' story and the locations where he taught, lived, and sacrificed. Approximate run time 70 minutes. The full show schedule can be seen on their profie page on Nevada Big Deals.


No cash back,credit or cash value. If business closes, refund or credit will not be given if certificate purchased is over one year old.

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Where Jesus Walked

Where Jesus Walked

The Dutton\'s Family Theater-3454 W. 76 Country Blvd.
Branson, MO 65616
(417) 332-2772
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